Thursday 13 September 2007

Post #73: Not Feeling As Well This Morning

Dear all,

Anita did her two hours of chemo yesterday morning and in what has come to be her "chemo style," felt good after the treatment and went home and cleaned out her closets. Also did a little ironing! Utterly amazing!

However, as has become the pattern during her treatments, she got tired and went to bed early. She woke up in the middle of the night, got back to sleep OK but was nauseated when she got up this morning. However, she took her sure-fire nausea medication, napped a bit and then around 10:00 a.m. or so, she was able to eat a bowl of cereal and drink some fruit-flavored vitamin water. She followed that up with another nap and when I talked to her around 12:30 p.m. she sounded groggy but nevertheless positive. The shortness of breath that had come back over this past weekend (she had worn herself out the week before) has again gone away. And she realizes that the nausea and tiredness is not unusual at this point in time.

So it's on to the last Rituxan treatment tomorrow. Her appointment is at 9:00 a.m. and the treatment should last about three hours. The Rituxan will also create more tiredness and nausea, but she is prepared for it and is looking forward to recovering from this last of the double-whammy sessions soon. One item buoying her spirits is the pouring of the concrete for the new patio. The workers are there and it should be completed by this afternoon. Not to mention, her new wardrobe! Always a pick-me-up for Mama!

So I will update again following her Rituxan treatment tomorrow or if I receive additional news in the interim. Let's all keep those positive thoughts flowing!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anita, at least you have a good excuse to feel nauseaus. Listening to our president and the news that his close friend and contributor, Ray Hunt, has made an oil deal with the Kurds, thereby making economic reconcilliation in Iraq impossible made me barf. Hunt is on the board of Haliburton and also on the intellengence committee for Bush so he has all the insider information. Did we get into Iraq because of wmd or oil? If it wasn't obvious before, I think, it is now. It's the oil, stupid.
Didn't want to depress you but just thought I would get your fighting spirit up and going.
Love, Fritzie