Sunday 28 October 2007

Post #81: That's My Mama!

Hello Everyone!

I was able to have a long conversation with Mama on Friday and to get some more details about the results of her cat scan and her visit with the oncologist. Apparently her blood count is still low in certain categories and she is going in for follow-up blood testing either tomorrow or Tuesday. She confirmed that one of her two remaining tumors has reduced in size somewhat and the other has remained the same size. She asked the doctor how long her "remission" would last and his "guess" was that it could be anything from three months to three years.

Mama also said she has googled for information regarding the repercussions of Rituxan treatment. She found a two-year post-market study of side effects in 50 to 80 year olds. One of them is a bad rash, which Anita has developed on her chest and inside her elbow. A second side effect, which Anita also has developed and which is one of the most common delayed factors, is mucus in the eyes and nose. However, when she asked the doctor about the pain she had in her shoulder - a pain that had most concerned her - he told her that it was arthritis! Of course Mama promptly exclaimed, "But I've never had arthritis!" To which the doctor replied, "You have wrinkles on your face don't you? Well your bones get wrinkles and those hurt. And that pain is not associated with your problem."

Her overall report then is good. The doctor will see her for check-ups every three months and in six months she will have another cat scan. Anita asked, "How will I know if it has come back?" The doctor said, "Believe me you will know. If it starts coming back you will feel pain and start losing weight again."

Now what would any of you say to your doctor after all of the above?! Bet you'd never guess - or say for that matter - this:

Anita stated that she was happy that there were no more needles for awhile (except for the blood testing this week) and then turned to the doctor and stated "You know I'm in real estate. I've got a perfect house for you! You need a write-off!" [He's new to the area and she had heard that he has been renting.] Now that attitude alone is good for another five years at least!

Have a great week everyone!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Anita, selling real estate to your doctor. I guess retirement is out of the question for you. Love you. You're the best