Tuesday 7 August 2007

Post #59: Doing About the Same

Hello Everyone!

Sorry about the two-day layoff here! Sunday Jim and I attended a formal Catholic baptism of a friend's two children with an elaborate reception afterwards and yesterday we attended what is called the Festa Major - or annual town festival - of a small town near us in which the featured main dish is "caracoles" which translates as "snails!" Each person, over 300 attendees, receives a heaping plate full of them and in a special sauce! Oh yum! The locals love them however, including the children! As for me, it is most definitely an acquired taste! For you statistics types: To feed all those people they had to buy 130 kilos of snails!

Finally talked with Anita and John today. Her condition can be best described as "more of the same" at the moment. For the past two days she has been experiencing the same dizziness and shortness of breath as noted in earlier postings, but it is still better than it has been in the past. She also is still feeling those sharp fleeting pains on her left side from time to time. So the past two days and today she has been taking it easy, but she still gets up and gets dressed every day, has playtime with the dog and in general is determined to lead as normal a life as she can.

Her view is that she is not as good as she hoped she would be at this point in that she had very strictly told her body, and in no uncertain terms, that "you are going to do better this week!!!" However, she figures that by next week her body will finally get the message and feel better - just in time for the next chemo session!

She had her weekly blood testing this past Friday and she is scheduled for a cat scan this coming Friday August 10th at 11:30 a.m. They will be checking to see what growth and/or shrinkage has occurred in her tumors.

However, her spirits are high. Today she and John are off to the vet so that Tristan can get a check-up. She is so conscientious about that little guy and so energized by him. He may be a little terror, but he's a blessing in disguise.

Hope you all are having a pleasant summer. We finally got a cooling wave of rain. Very needed and very refreshing!



regina&dan said...

Hey Anita and John and Baby Tristan
Can't wait to meet the new baby !
Wire hair's are my favorite !
They are wired for sound that's for sure! I hope you got a new box
of nerve's ( when you got him )?
High energy. I put a small bell on mazz's collar. Reason, he is like a bolt of lightning~~~Too, fast for me and the rest of us :)
When, he running around the bell let's me know where he is at all times. I was afraid of falling on Maxx and doing damage to my back.
Bell is workin great and it's doing the job :)

Anita, Your determination and spirit will not let you down.
Hang tight, you has most of the treatments behind you.
Sending Love and Hug's
Kiss Tristan
Ciao Darlin
Gina, Danny and The doggies

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa, Sounds like you're having a great life in Spain. Snails are definitely an acquired taste. One I acquired a while ago. Now I love them.
Anita, heavens sake be patient. You're doing so much better than expected already and will keep getting better. I just know it.
Love, Fritzie