Saturday 11 August 2007

Post #61: Cat Scan Complete

Good afternoon all!

The cat scan was accomplished yesterday, but not without some bureaucratic delays. When Anita and John arrived at the cat scan place, they were greeted by a sign that announced that they were "behind schedule!" Oh, great! Anita had just hastily swallowed 1/2 of the bottle of gunk they told her to drink pre-scan before she and John arrived at 12:45 p.m. to fill out the paperwork in preparation for her 1:15 appointment. Didn't get in until 2:00 p.m.! Mind you, she had had nothing to eat or drink - except the gunk of course - since 9:00 that morning!

Once inside the inner sanctum she was faced with a Romanian technician who was going to plug in the IV drip! Luckily, the woman was wonderfully skilled and the process didn't hurt a bit. In fact, Anita says it's the least painful needle procedure she's had in quite a while. So now finally into the process, Anita had to hold her arms over her head to keep them from bumping into the scanner as she was scanned from neck to abdomen for one hour! The results should be out within 5 days to one week.

Meanwhile, she has talked with her oncologist who assured her that the dizziness she has been experiencing is a normal part of the chemo-therapy. She told him that in this hot weather she feels dizzy when she's outside. He told her to just sit down if she starts feeling dizzy. Anita asked: "what if there's no chair?" to which he replied: "Just grab something!" Sounds like pretty practical advice! She is due for another chemo treatment this coming Wednesday Aug. 15th and her third Rituxan treatment on Friday Aug. 17th. She will call the oncologist's office on Monday to find out the exact time.

Anita actually went down to her office today! Amazing. When I was talking with her on the phone she said she had just finished a Coors Light. Her sheer will power and determination are so inspiring. Anita quote for the day: "I can't let the grass grow under my feet while my feet are still moving! Got to oil the gears again!" Don't we all!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like the doctor visits are a total nightmare. Don't let it get you down, Anita. As if it could. Your courage, attitude, and general outlook constantly amaze me. You're my idol.
Love, Fritzie