Thursday 15 March 2012

Post #11: Hospice Update

Hello Everyone,

Well, we're down to the wire. Since all California government offices are closed on Fridays, we are racing today to get the MediCal application in. Luckily Mother's assigned social worker from the hospice group is assisting greatly in the process, greasing the wheels with the supervisor down at the County MediCal office. In any event, if the application is not approved, then we will continue with the original plan of bringing Anita home for home hospice care.

If that happens, she will return home this coming Sunday. That means we need to be prepared to get the house arranged by Saturday, the medical bed and equipment delivered, and all made ready by Saturday. We will know, probably by this afternoon, what will be happening. I will post that info as soon as I can once we know it.

Yesterday, my sister Marcia and I spent the afternoon visiting Mother. Her color was good and she appeared alert and comprehending. Marcia and I sat chatting about various topics and Mother seemed to be following what was being said. I brushed her hair with dry shampoo, put body lotion on her arms, cream on her face and little dabs of perfume. She seems to appreciate these little touches.

The nurse attempted to give Anita some congestion medication through a nebulizer (a device that turns liquid medicine into a fine mist spray that is inhaled by the patient). Mom has been developing a congested cough which is normal for patients who are in a lying down position for a long period of time. The nurse put the mask over Mom's nose, turned on the nebulizer and left the room saying she'd be back in 10 minutes. Anita put up with this contraption for about 2 minutes after which she pulled off the mask. I think "stubborn" is her middle name. So I turned the machine off, set the mask aside and waited for the returning nurse. She was not really surprised as Mother has refused just about everything. Apparently yesterday morning Mother did have a very small taste of ice cream, but that was all she had yesterday.

Marcia and I went out to get something to eat and John came to sit with Anita for a couple hours. Following our meal we returned to see her in the early evening. She appeared to me to be experiencing some discomfort, so I asked the nurse for some pain medication. So far, Anita has only been prescribed Tylenol. So the nurse crushed some Tylenol tablets and blended them with a little water. Mother did drink a big swallow of it, but that was it. Undoubtedly it tasted very bitter and Mom accepted a few tablespoons of water afterwards to wash away the taste. At least she did take that. I told Mother to quit being "stoic," that for her to lie there in physical pain was pointless, that she should call the nurse and get pain relief as needed. I hope she heeds that.

So that's where we are as of this morning. Marcia and I will go to visit Mother this afternoon. As I mentioned, we should know what direction we're going by this evening. I will try to update the blog this evening, time permitting.


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