Sunday 24 June 2007

Post #20: Would You Believe!

Hello Anita Fans,

A stellar day! You would not believe Anita today! She was determined to get up and move about as much as possible, in that she is well aware that lying in bed all the time leads to atrophied muscles and diminished energy, both physical and mental. So up she got bright and early, got dressed and even invited two dear friends over for a quick chat. She also proceeded with "the secret project" for John - all of which will be revealed when he arrives home Monday night.

She was up all day - no naps! After a sizeable (for her) breakfast, she walked into the living room, parked herself on the sofa with pillows and proceeded to hold court! After her busy and talkative morning, she finally retired for a nap around 2:00 p.m. That's when I went out to run a couple of errands, but when I got back I discovered that she had not really napped much, had gotten up, even watered a plant, and had sat in a chair and read!

The pain killer patches she has been using are normally replaced every three days. Well . . . it is over three days now and she has not needed a new one. It doesn't mean that she hasn't had some pain. But it does mean that she has not had the horrible pain she experienced before the first chemo treatment. From talking with people and from what I can gather, the new pains she is experiencing are pains caused by the chemo WORKING! As her friends noted this morning and as I have noted for the past two days, her color is much improved as is her stamina. In fact, her friends were amazed at how good she looked.

She last had a nausea medication - to my knowledge - last night. She had absolutely no painkillers today except at bedtime when she asked for some morphine drops (1) because she did overdo it a bit today, and (2) to ensure that she will sleep well tonight.

Today for breakfast (spread out over about an hour) she ate white rice with butter, 1/2 banana, orange juice, milk with a protein drink mixed in, diluted coffee and some papaya. In addition she took folic acid, B-12 and a multi-vitamin. She tolerated all well. For lunch, around 12:30 p.m., she had two sandwich halfs, no crust, one-half ham with mayo, the other half Swiss cheese with mayo, hot tea, and the milk/protein drink combo. When I got home from errands, she had a sip or two of sparkling wine, a brown rice cake, some orange juice, and some boneless beef rib meat. I am very encouraged by her reaction to the B12 and Folic Acid. Tomorrow I'm adding in B6. She says that she can feel the difference. I am also going to get some electrolyte solution and get that part of her physiology back in balance.

The shortness of breath and racing heart have continued, but they have lessened somewhat. She is walking greater distances, slowly yes, but covering new ground. It was so wonderful to see her out sitting in the living room and it was wonderful for her to get out of the bedroom and to enjoy the rest of the house.

One of my missions today was to find her a feminine, lightweight summer cotton nightgown. Well, the very first store I went to, I walked to the sleepwear department and THERE IT WAS just hanging there on the rack ON SALE!! Great timing - the summer sales just started. In fact I got her two nightgowns practically for the price of one, plus a light robe and pajama set that all intermixes. It was clearly meant to be! Now tomorrow I need to find her some nice new slippers to go with it all.

Then there was all the wonderful news from Napa Valley! Apparently John's show and all the related social activities have been a marvelous success. Mama got numerous phone calls today from so many of her great friends and family. It has truly been, even though she got very tired toward the end of it, a very upbeat positive day. She has so deserved that. And to me it signals positive progress in her fight against this disease.

I love today! What a trooper she is, what a fighter and what determination! I am so very proud to be her daughter!

Although who knows what will happen in the days to come, today we can feel very happy for both Anita and John!



regina&dan said...

Anita, This is Absolute Fantastic News !!! @ :)))
This New's is exactly, what We all are Praying For and Your Energy
Level is coming back, Plus Your appetite and portions are increasing. Watch the Hgtv's food
network, that will get your mouth watering for some new summer food's. Thought for the Day :

Splendor in the Vase: Living with Flowers,
I'd Rather have roses on my Table, than Diamonds on my Neck.--Emma Goldman
Hug's and Ton's of Well Wishes xoxox
Regina and Danny & Doggies

Anonymous said...

What wonderful upbeat news. Keep it coming.
Love, Fritzie