Friday 15 June 2007

Post #7: Encouraging Day!

Hello Anita Fans,

Today has been, relatively speaking, a gold star day. She has been very nauseous, but as long as she stays still and doesn't move too suddenly or quickly, it stays under control. The previous unbelievable pain that she had been experiencing in her abdominal and chest area for the past two months has blessedly subsided. The chemo is working! She had one shooting pain today from her abdomen up to her chest. But that was brief and only happend once. Her major discomfort is the nausea. But that is not unusual at this stage after the chemo treatment.

She has managed to eat a bit more today: applesauce, cottage cheese, chicken soup (even some noodles) and lemon sorbet. Unfortunately, this afternoon she moved about too quickly and had a major session of vomiting. But, both before and after this "session" she had visitors. She was upbeat and chatting and talking about real estate and other matters with astonishing energy, clarity of voice, and . . . well you all know Anita!

As I type she is sitting up, alert and watching television. She is "engineering" (as only Mama can do) additional guests for John's show at the Mondavi Winery. Her vocal quality is clear and alert. This activity does tire her out and she will probably soon go back to sleep, but it is so encouraging to see her as "Action Anita" even if it is in a subdued form. She stated today that "I am going to lick this!" and I thoroughly believe her. If anyone can kick this, it's Mother!

We are aware that she is not getting enough nutrition. We will be seeing her oncologist on Monday and I will be bringing up the subjects with him of referral to a nutritionist and possible physical intervention (i.e. intravenous feeding or feeding tube) in order to get nutrition into her and to get her physical stamina increased in preparation for the administration of the next round of chemo-therapy. Meanwhile, John and I are plying her with all sorts of different combinations of liquids and solids.

Thank you everyone!

P.S. It is now 7:35 p.m. and she is sleeping. She realized she had been a bit overactive and she is staying quiet now. She will probably sleep on and off until tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

This is encouraging news after yesterday's bulletin. If anyone can beat this it's Anita. And Melissa, thank you so much for keeping us posted on developments. It's very important to me to know how she's doing. How are you and John holding up?
Much love, Fritzie

Anonymous said...


You are right Melissa, if anyone can kick this it ACTION ANITA!

Anita, just want to say keep up the good spirits and we are all counting on you!

We love you...Michelle & Sonia