Thursday 28 June 2007

Post #25: Good Ending to a Great Day

Hello all,

Well, it continued to be a primo day for Anita. A dear friend came over in the late afternoon bringing not only her great company but also dinner for all of us. We feasted on salmon and lamb chops, but more importantly Anita feasted on two small lamb chops, roasted potatoes, a little ravioli and a small glass of champagne!

Although she later admitted that at certain points in the afternoon and early evening she had felt like going back to bed, she held out and stayed up sitting on the couch and enjoying all the social activity which she has been missing greatly. For dinner, she got dressed, did her hair and managed makeup and a little jewelry.

She topped out the evening by having John and me come to talk with her in her newly redone bedroom. I think Mom missed her true calling - that of interior designer! Before going to sleep she had more fruit juice mixed with electrolyte solution, some morphine drops and another tranquilizer pill (Lorazepam). All in all a very successful day all around and one that made Anita very happy.

Sleep well everyone!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anita, I'm so thrilled to hear about your steady improvements. This is wonderful news. I just know you'll keep getting better and before we know it you'll be able to put all this suffering behind you.
Keep up your strength and your wonderful attitude.
Much love, Fritzie