Tuesday 3 July 2007

Post #30: So far . . . so GREAT!

Greetings All!

Well, talk about contrasts. Today is night and day different than her first day of chemo. She walked into the treatment center in the most upbeat frame of mind, on her own steam, pausing to catch her breath a couple of times, but without wheel chair assistance as she needed the past two times. We waited about 15 minutes and when her name was called, she walked steadily into the treatment area in clearly good spirits and with a can-do attitude! We were told the session would take two hours, so somewhat guiltily, John and I went out to run an errand and have a quick lunch. But Anita had encouraged us to do just that. We were debating doing one last errand, but nixed that idea and headed back to the chemo place in what I must say was perfect timing because she finished a bit early.

We were sitting there in the lobby reading and all of a sudden, we heard her voice and she had marched right out to us. No shortness of breath whatever! She was as astonished as we were. She has no nausea, no pain, no shortness of breath. The only side effect (so far) has been a "heavy headed" feeling behind her eyes. Her spirits are totally upbeat!

She said the oncologist came out to check on her progress about five times. Her chemical cocktail consisted of the same stuff she got last time, only a stronger dosage: Cytoxan (generic name Cyclophosphamide), Doxorubicin, Vincristine, something for nausea, and probably the tranquilizer Lorazepam. The oncologist told her that today's is the most important chemo session she will have. It is the one that "is going to do it!"

She is scheduled to go back this coming Friday, July 6th at 10:00 a.m. to finally get the Rituxan/Rituximab drug. She will not get the other chemo drugs on Friday, only the Rituxan. After that her next chemo session will be scheduled for three weeks from today. The oncologist said that she will get six chemo sessions in all, unless something at a later date indicates that further treatments are needed.

We drove straight home this time. On the way she announced that she was really hungry so as soon as we got home she marched into the kitchen and made herself some lunch! For breakfast today she had eaten grits, 1/2 papaya, 1/2 piece of toast with butter and a big glass of orange juice. For lunch she had a whole fresh chicken sandwich on whole grain bread with lettuce and mayo, 1/2 grapefruit and hot tea. We finally got her off her feet in the kitchen and into bed! She was pulling out pots and pans and getting ready to cook the chicken carcass to make some chicken broth! John and I kicked her out of the kitchen and I got the broth started - this woman is incorrigible!!!!! But oh how wonderfully! I just left her a few minutes ago, propped up in bed reading a magazine.

So a very successful morning. We will be watching her closely for any unusual symptoms as well as paying close attention to her nutritional needs. She is also very cognizant this time of staying ahead of the nausea. As soon as she wakes from her nap this afternoon, she will take some more nausea medication which is administered every four hours.

I will do an update later this evening and/or earlier if her condition changes. But I can say now, that she is in such better condition now both before and after this session than she was with the first one. This is such a relief, not only for us, but more importantly for her.



Anonymous said...

Hurrah! Anita, you're incredible. I'm in total awe.
Love, Fritzie

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom!

Congrats on the GOOD day of chemo. Very proud of you! Yesterday I saw Barbara Myers (she's sending you a note) and she said that ginger (fresh I presume) is supposed to be excellent for nausea.

Glad to hear too that Dr. Ma is on his toes. Keep up the great job reporting, Melissa--it's so vivid how you tell what's what.

Love, Marcia & Nicholas

gregory said...

Hi Anita,

So happy to hear that you are getting stronger and in good spirit. Keep up the good work!
Melissa, thank you for the daily updates. Big hugs to all of you. Gregory.