Tuesday 3 July 2007

Post #31: A Good Evening

Hail and well met,

The good news continues! She has been alert and feeling "Anita-OK" all evening: watching TV, ranting at politicians, getting started on yet another room design project, making plans for the 4th (hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad, decorations, etc.), chatting with John, cutting off more of her hair (it itches under the turban she wears at night), doing her crosswords, and otherwise being fantastically, and totally the Anita we know and love!

She even said that "I want to go to sleep so that I can find out how I'll be feeling in the morning!" Translation: She is excited about feeling as good as she does and is eager to see if it continues in the morning. Tonight she decided to take it easy on the food and only ate cottage cheese and applesauce topped off by an angelcot. Before going to sleep she also took her nausea medication, a tranquilizer and, as a precaution, some morphine drops . I am - and I know we all are - so proud of her and so impressed! She has met this whole situation with such courage, determination, wisdom, solicitude and bravado. Well, I always knew she was a tough act to follow!!!

So we are all off to bed and a peaceful sleep. We realize, of course, that the effect of today's treatment has not fully kicked in yet. Going on precedent, she will probably have a pretty good day tomorrow. It is what happens on Thursday that will tell us the most about how she is really handling this second treatment. But meanwhile, back at the ranch, all is peaceful.

Wishing all of you a glorious Fourth of July! It truly will be so here, in more ways than one!



regina&dan said...

*Happy Fourth of July*,
Anita, John & Melissa :)))
Anita, since we both have Southern roots, Today is especially the perfect day for Some Delish fried Chicken and Ice Cold Watermelon !!!
Maybe, strawberry Short cake or any berries with real whipped cream on top, Yum~~~~
I will be having several glasses of chilled Champagne in Your Honor,
Darling ( Your recovery is amazing and that prayer is exactly, what we "ALL HAVE WANTED FOR YOU " !!!!
Your Daughter, Melissa is Amazing!!! They say the Apple doesn't fall to far from the tree and I now know, where Melissa get's her drive from,,,Mommy Dearest, not as in Joan Crawford that is ( Your the real Mommy Dearest)Continue, living, loving---and eating---like a QuEEN :>)

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

---Albert Einstein
Hug's & Well Wishes
Regina & Danny Boy

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July. I just loved the happy news, Anita. And you truly are incredible.
Love, Fritzie

Anonymous said...

Wouo! This is all great news Go for it Anita! I'm sure you are getting one of the best 4th July's,
and of course in America. ;-)
Big kiss to you two! nik