Tuesday 17 July 2007

Post #48: The dog days of summer . . .

Hello all!

Great report from Anita (tonight for me, noonish for Californians, and afternoon nap time for you East Coastians). She was up and cranking again today! Blame it on her over-exuberance but what a great thing it is that she has that! Anyhow, she says she has a "fierce appetite!" Can you believe it?! It's been months since she's been in the mood to "chow down!" Anyhow, yesterday morning she had a brunch-size breakfast of 2 eggs, ham and rice with curry and a full papaya. She plans to eat a whole papaya daily. Today she is planning on devouring pasta (lasagna to be specific), and has also treated herself to caramel ice cream! She says that it's the first time in her life where she's eaten "to put on weight" instead of taking it off and she's having a grand time doing it! How wonderful!

Still no pain in particular and no nausea. She has shortness of breath (had to stop and rest today because of overexertion with the puppy and other things this morning), but even that is better. She had her Neupogen shot yesterday. It is supposed to boost her white blood cell count. She hasn't noticed any negative effects from the shot, so hopefullly it is working its full magic. Her next appointment with the oncologist is scheduled for July 25. At that time they will schedule her next chemo session which will most likely be sometime in the first week of August.

She occasionally has a let-down moment, but that soon passes. All of your continued good wishes and thoughts help her tremendously during those times!

Til next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the good news coming. It makes my day. Love to you all, Anita, John, and Tristan.