Monday 9 July 2007

Post #40: A little sick this morning . . but overall OK

Just a quick note,

Anita slept well during the night and woke up early this morning still very excited about the changes she and John had made in the living room last night. So, before John and I were up, realizing that she was very thirsty, and in her continued excitement, she "jumped" out of bed and was off to the kitchen to get some OJ. As soon as she got to the kitchen, she started feeling woozy and like "this is not such a good idea." So she grabbed her glass of OJ and headed back to bed - but not before hanging up some of her clothes!!!

Well, the OJ and the activity didn't sit very well so she got sick. However, realizing the error of her ways, she promptly got back in bed, took a nausea pill and is now recovered. I commented on the fact that she looks very alert and she replied: "I be alert. I just be stupid and too impatient!!"

So, she is SLOWLY learning that her mind is racing ahead of her body and she's got to be mindful (no pun intended) of that. As I keep telling her, "Mom, you've got to mosey!" Other than that episode early this morning she has recovered from the nausea and has very little shortness of breath. She still has the pain in her chest over the heart area that she has been experiencing the past few days as well as the numbness in her left hand. However, the pain is on the low intensity side and the numbness has not increased or spread.

However, she was so happy this morning: "Yes! I got to boss all day long yesterday!!" She did have fun!

Until next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi all, I was wondering what would happen to the daily bulletin when Melissa leaves, but that questions has now been answered. Thank you so much for doing this, Melissa. It's a wonderful way for all of us who care about Anita to keep up with her condition without having to bother her with constant phone calls.
Anita, who are you going to boss around when Melissa leaves? Just kidding! You're so creative, you'll figure it out.
Love, Fritzie