Saturday 7 July 2007

Post #37: Amazing Lady!

Good Afternoon Anita Fans,

Well, she doesn't fail to please! Last night she stayed up watching TV, no pain, no nausea, no nothing except a little shortness of breath. This morning we found that she had been up half the night and had finally gone to sleep at 3:00 a.m.! A little deduction this morning and we pinpointed the cause. She had taken the drug Lexapro mid-morning yesterday (an upper), and had taken all of her B vitamin supplements, and that evening and night had been guzzling Propel Fitness Water which is full of added nutrients including more B's and C's. Then she had a tranquilizer before she went to bed. Talk about wired! She said she got up and fixed herself a glass of hot half-and-half and ate half a banana (Quote: "The way I like it - not brown anywhere - not even a brown spot!!) in an attempt to get her sleep endorphins going. Didn't help much, but sure tasted good!

So today, we cut back on the B vitamin intake. In the future she will take a Lexapro tablet only once a day early in the morning, likewise take her B vitamins only in the mornings and sip water at night instead of fortified drinks. We are very conscious of the dangers of mixing various drugs, particularly Lexapro. So consulting with a good doctor friend, we are setting up a specific regimen of when she takes when.

While her brain was racing last night, she says she came up with a complete letter to Barrak (spelling?) O'Bama in her mind! Couldn't remember all of it this morning, but she said it was a great letter nonetheless!

This morning she had coffee, electrolyte solution mixed with OJ, and ate a whole papaya. Then she sent John and I out to Penny's to finish off the "curtain caper mission" by buying up their stock of sheers in the pattern and color Anita picked out yesterday. I'm happy to report that the mission was a complete success! When we got back home this afternoon, Anita reported that she had been out in the garden digging holes!!!! She has some new fruit trees. The ground around the base of the trees was wet, so she went out there (in 108 degree heat) and dug water mounds around the base of four trees!!! Then she came inside and set the table for lunch, brought in some statues and paintings that had been stored in the garage, rearranged the objets d'art on top of the piano, and rehung paintings on the wall "her way!" Yes, I reprimanded her when I got back to the house, but frankly folks, it doesn't do any good!!!! She has the most incredible energy and will of anybody I know!

However, she finally had to admit that all that effort caught up with her and she is "aching from all the action and has shortness of breath." So she now - and finally sensibly - is back in bed resting (as she should have been all morning in my opinion!) But as she stated most emphatically to me: "Use it or lose it!!" She is truly amazing!

She has had no nausea since her Rituxan treatment yesterday. She is still short of breath and gets dizzy if she bends over much. She also has some aches/pain in her back rib area. But she's sitting up in bed writing away and ever so much, just being Anita!


1 comment:

regina&dan said...

FANTASTIC !!! Anita's right use it or lose it !!!

Desire, Ask, Believe,Receive

Difficult times have helped me to
understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsover ----Isak Dinesen

Ciao Darlings,
Hug's and Well-Wishes~~~~
Gina and Danny