Saturday 7 July 2007

Post #38: Continued Progress

Well folks, the amazement continues. I was beautifully treated this afternoon to a movie and dinner out by a dear friend of Anita and John's. I had a great time and it was a very relaxing break for me. I got home around 9:00 p.m. Anita was propped up in bed avidly doing her crossword puzzle, John came into the room, and we proceeded to discuss the day's activities.

When last I wrote Anita was resting in bed after having tackled the water mounds, the table setting and rearrangements in the house. Well, after I left for the movie, she made John a Manhattan and then she and John had dinner together and it wasn't just John that was eating. Mama told me that she "ate like a pig!" She had filet mignon, 1/2 tomato with basil and onion broiled with the steak, white rice with a little chicken broth (for moisture) and curry, peas with butter, jello with whipping cream, and ice cream!! That's our girl!!!

She had a few pains here and there today, some in the chest, some along her sides and some aching in her shoulders, but nothing bad. She is feeling some aching in the lymph nodes in her neck under her jawline. So she took two Tylenol and all subsided. (Apparently her oncologist had give her two Tylenol right before her Rituxan treatment on Friday, so it is safe for her to take it.) She has had no nausea at all. Her main concern right now is her weight. It is far too low, so she and we are working on getting her weight back up. If she keeps eating as heartily as she did today she will reach that goal!

She took a tranquilizer before bedtime tonight. She is sipping water - no fitness drinks, no Lexapro today, and no B vitamins other than what comes in the multi-vitamin she takes and a sublingual B-12 tab. So a good day all around. She was yawning when I closed her door, so I think she will sleep well tonight.

As I wish for all of you. Until tomorrow,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Anita,
You remind me of the commercial for the Energizer Bunny. There's just no keeping you down, is there. Well, it's really great to hear how well you're doing.
Love, Fritzie