Wednesday 11 July 2007

Post #43: Same as the past two days

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for no post yesterday, but I was traveling. I am now in the San Francisco Bay Area staying with friends for the next few days. Finally got to a computer this morning.

Yesterday, Anita stayed in bed all day. She is feeling very nauseated most of the time. She was able to eat a few things, such as white rice with butter, some liquids, etc. but very little. I called John this morning. Last night she got sick again and this morning as well. Although I suspect it is, we have no idea if this is an expected reaction to the combo chemo and Rituxan treatment or not. Today John is going to call the oncologist to get his views on it as well as to request a stronger anti-nausea medication.

It is interesting to me that she was "fine" for the first two days after the Rituxan treatment. As I have reported, she was "up and cranking." Then, whammo, the past two days (today is now Day #3) she has hardly been able to get out of bed. So we shall see. I will keep you all posted as often as I can.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anita, Now when Melissa has left, I hope you are checking your blog????
Sorry about the setback--and that's all it is. Before you know it you'll be cranking again.
Love, Fritzie