Sunday 8 July 2007

Post #39: Another Fascinating Day!

Dear Everyone,

Well, she's finally tired and going to bed and it's ten minutes to 11:00! It's been that kind of day! One hour ago she was directing John in rearranging the living room. And she wasn't even feeling that well earlier!

Specifically, she has eaten well today, taken her vitamins, and drunk fluids to stay well hydrated. Her shortness of breath problem appears to be abating. She has been up and about more today than I have seen her since early May, and this is despite feeling some pain and nausea today. Her pain was in her chest area and we believe is associated with the drug Rituxan - as well as the chemotherapy - working on the bad stuff in her lungs and upper stomach area. She took some morphine drops to help with the pain, but after a while the drops made her feel nauseated, so she took her nausea medication. She also has experienced some numbness in her left hand. We are watching this closely.

Today all three of us re-read the adverse reactions section of the prospectus on Rituxan. It includes rhinitis (which she has to a certain extent), brochospasm, and other pulmonary related reactions. So we are keeping a close eye on current symptoms increasing and/or additional symptoms appearing. She "had" to go back to bed today a few times. However, by eveningtime she emerged in full throttle! She was "directing" John like a drill sargeant! Move this painting here, shove the piano over there! Truly remarkable.

As I type, just now, she got up out of bed and announced to John that he's right - the new sheers in the master bedroom shouldn't be the darker shade that we got yesterday, they should be the lighter taupe color!! She just now informed me of that decision and said "On that note, good night!" That's Anita! So, although she had some tired or painful or nauseated moments today, her spirits are high. When she is awake and up she is acting more "normal" than I have seen her for a long time. It is a blessing to see . . . and hear . . . and enjoy!

On another note, I must inform you all that I am leaving here on Tuesday July 10th (plane leaves in the late afternoon) for the San Francisco Bay Area to spend a few days attending to personal matters (e.g. my annual dentist appointment), seeing friends and my brother and sister, and then finally departing for Spain on Saturday July 14th. But this is not farewell. I intend to keep the blogsite going for awhile. I will be calling Mother and John daily and getting their verbal updates, and believe me, I know the questions to ask and I take good notes! So there may be a small hiatus here and there in my postings, particularly while I'm mid-air over the Atlantic, but the friends I am staying with have computers and I will update the blogsite whenever I am able to. Eventually, however, and as and if Mother's condition continues to improve, I will discontinue the daily updates. But, I will let you know in advance when that will occur.

So sleep well nighttime readers or have a good morning morning readers! And it is a good night and a good morning in that she continues to improve throughout!


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