Monday 30 July 2007

Post #55: Doing great!

Hello All!

Well, the amazement continues. On Sunday Anita was sort of kicking herself because she didn't "bother taking her nausea pill" Saturday night." Then Sunday morning she took her now usual morning outing in the yard with Tristan and drank her usual morning glass of OJ and cup of coffee. Well . . . let's say it all didn't mix too well! But quickly realizing the error of her ways, she promptly downed one of her powerful nausea pills and all was restored to her new normal order!

And that "normal" is a wonderful one. By Sunday afternoon she was up and about and ready for a dear friend who came over to visit and came bearing presents for the puppy, and an orchid and champagne for Anita of which Mama drank a glass!

Today (I just spoke with her about 3:10 p.m. California time Monday the 30th) she is feeling a bit tired but otherwise in fine form and great spirits. As we all know - she overdid yesterday - big surprise - but had a wonderful time doing it! She started off well this morning with 1/2 a banana, cereal, vitamins, and electrolyte solution. She again didn't take a nausea pill this morning, but so far no problems. Just a general fatique which she attributes to the Rituxan. The same thing happened after the first Rituxan treatment - she started feeling tired a day or two after the treatment. She has also developed some blisters around her mouth, kind of like cold sores, but this happened after the first Rituxan treatment as well.

But the wonderful news is that she has NO PAIN - not even a twinge. She has some "crackly" sounds in her voice but her breathing is so much better (you've all read by now the Home Depot trek story)! She only gets woozy every once in a while and usually it's when she's "looking under the sofa for one of Tristan's toys." Even better news is that she has gained four - count 'em - pounds! Go Mama! She is taking Lexapro each morning which is maintaining her on an even keel emotionally. Last night she did not take a tranquilizer but still slept soundly all night long! Now if they can just keep the dog out of the mud so that Anita doesn't have to keep giving him baths!!! And apparently rapid progress is being made in that department as well.

So I can sign off today feeling joyful and happy at Mother's continued progress. And again, the continuing well wishes and healing and loving thoughts from all of you are doing their part in aiding the healing process! Thank you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa, Just love hearing the good news. My day is not complete till I've checked the blog.
Anita, that little Tristan is going to keep you on your toes. As if you need it. It won't be long though, till you've under control. I've complete confidence in you.
Love, Fritzie